Shelby and Matt are that couple you meet at a party and instantly become long time friends with. Relaxed, friendly, and winsome. All those qualities are great to begin with, but sprinkle a lot of Shelby’s sweet smile and you get that happy vibe to perk up any conversation or interaction. Trans4mation Photography is your premier Annapolis Wedding Photographer.
This past weekend, I and Desirae had the privilege of joining Shelby and Matt, along with their families for their wedding at the sprawling estate near the Wye River on the Eastern Shore. On this day, the weather decidedly was perfect. Warm, but not too hot or humid. Slightly diffused lighting, but still bright to get more of those “light and airy” images.
Now as always, I like to get to really know my clients during their engagement photo session, which Shelby and Matt did in 2018 at the Kinder Farm in the Millersville / Severna Park are of Maryland. So it was a breeze to join them and their bridal party and hit the ground running, knowing full well what they like and don’t like when it came to photography.
Shelby, a stunning beauty, is a fitness and health instructor. Matt is a professional fire fighter. I am always tickled to serve and go beyond the called of duty whenever my clients are either in the military, fire and rescue, law enforcement, nurses, and teachers. These are the folks I highly respect. They are often under-appreciated, over-worked, and under paid. I am grateful to Matt and his service to our communities. BTW, many of Matt’s colleagues attended the wedding, making the camaraderie all the better!
So join me in viewing these “sneak peak” teaser shots from their wedding just 2 days ago! And don’t forget to check out these amazing vendors and professionals who helped make Shelby and Matt’s wedding so memorable (list is at the bottom), including Trans4mation Photography, your Annapolis Wedding Photographer. Congratulations once again to this amazing couple and here’s to many years of blessings, health, and happiness!
Bridal Party:
Maid of Honor: Kristi Tucker
Best Man: Donald Ditty
Bridesmaids: Ashley Tucker, Kasey Dyke, Katie Beausoleil, Krysten Farrell
Groomsmen: Josh Davis, Rusty Tippett, Joe Themes, Marc Farrell
Junior Bridesmaid: Alissa
Flower Girl: Ella Davis
Wedding Team Vendors and Professionals:
Photographer: Trans4mation hotography (me!)
Wedding Venue: The Private Estate of Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker